Complete Guide to the SOAP Bible Study Method

Complete Guide to the SOAP Bible Study Method

Christine Hollins

May 4, 2024 9:41 PM

Complete Guide to the SOAP Bible Study Method

If you want to understand the Bible better in a way that is organized but also personal, the SOAP Bible study method might be just what you need. This easy approach helps you connect with the Bible more deeply and use its lessons in your everyday life. Let's look at what this method is and how it can change your Bible study time.

What is the SOAP Bible Study Method?

The SOAP Bible study method is a simple way to study the Bible. SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It helps you not only read the Bible but also think about it and figure out how to use its teachings in your life. Here's how each part is important:

  • Scripture: First, you choose a verse or passage. This is the base of your study.
  • Observation: Next, you look at what the text is saying. This means looking at the context, the characters, and the main message.
  • Application: This step is all about making it personal. Ask yourself, "How can I use this in my life?" This might mean making changes or seeing your strengths.
  • Prayer: You end with a prayer, asking God to help you use this scripture in your daily life and to keep showing you His wisdom.

By breaking down your study into these easy steps, the SOAP method makes sure you not only read the Bible but also take in and think about its teachings in a meaningful way. This approach makes the Bible easy to understand and relevant, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

Understanding the Steps of the SOAP Bible Study Method

Scripture: Choosing Your Focus

The first step in the SOAP Bible study method is choosing a specific scripture passage. You might choose a verse that speaks to you or one that relates to a situation you're in right now. The key is to focus on a small part—usually one or two verses—so you can really dig into it without feeling overwhelmed.

Observation: Digging Deeper

Once you have your scripture, take time to observe. Look at the words and phrases that stand out. Think about the historical context, the purpose of the text, and what it meant to the people it was written for. This step is about asking questions like, "What does this tell me about God?" or "What is the main message here?" By doing this, you understand the text and its details better.

Application: Making It Personal

Application is where real change happens. This step makes you think about how what you've learned can affect your life. It might make you want to change something, believe something more strongly, or do something about an issue. Think about questions like, "How does this apply to my life right now?" or "What can I do to live out this truth today?"

Prayer: Seeking Guidance

Your study ends with prayer. This is your chance to talk to God about what you've learned and ask for His help in using it. Share your thoughts, worries, and willingness to be changed by His word. This step not only helps you remember what you've learned but also makes your relationship with God stronger.

By following these steps, the SOAP Bible study method gives you a clear and helpful way to study the Bible. Each step builds on the last, making a complete approach to Bible study that helps you understand and use what you learn.

SOAP Bible Study Method Example

If you are doing the SOAP method for the first time, it might help to have an actual example of what it looks like in action. Follow these simple steps using any verse from the Bible.

Here is a SOAP Bible study method example for the verse Romans 15:13 NIV:


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


God doesn't want us to live in hopelessness or despair. He wants us to trust Him with our future and rest in the peace that He will work it all out for our good.


No matter what the world may look like today (all the chaos and doom), God doesn't want me to live with a spirit of fear. He wants me to always be filled with joy and peace - and to always be hopeful for the future. God is with me and everything is going to be just fine.


Father, thank you for being the God of hope! Lord, fill me with your spirit so I can approach each day with joy and a peaceful heart. I know that you are in control and no amount of worry on my part will change the plan that you have already worked out for my life. Amen!

How to Reap the Benefits of the SOAP Bible Study Method

Consistency is Key

To really benefit from the SOAP Bible study method, make it a regular part of your routine. Just like any habit, doing it regularly makes it more powerful. Set aside a specific time each day for your study. This regular commitment helps you remember what you've learned and see patterns and themes over time in the scriptures you study.

Journal Your Journey

Keeping a journal of your SOAP sessions can help your spiritual growth a lot. Write down your scriptures, observations, applications, and prayers. This not only helps you remember the information but also lets you look back and see how you've grown over time. You might be surprised at how different verses speak to you differently as you go through different things in life.

Share and Discuss

One of the best ways to understand the Bible better is to share what you've learned with others. Talk about your insights with friends, family, or your Bible study group. This can give you new perspectives and start meaningful conversations. Plus, it's a great way to build community and support each other in your spiritual walks.

Pray for Insight

Before you even start your SOAP study, pray for insight and understanding. Asking for God's guidance helps you approach the scripture with an open heart and mind. It sets the tone for your study and gets you ready to receive all the benefits of your time spent in His word.

By adding these practices to your SOAP Bible study method, you not only grow in your own spiritual journey but also make your daily life richer with more wisdom and understanding. Each step you take in this method brings you closer to a deeper connection with the scriptures and with God Himself.