One of the most powerful things we can do is to admit just how powerless we are without Jesus!
Christian Living
In Matthew chapter 5 verse 3, Jesus begins the Beatitudes with blessed are the poor in spirit, but theirs is the kingdom of God. And it's interesting that Jesus begins his Beatitudes talking about our spirit, talking about who we really are. I heard somebody say a long time ago that we are a physical being, a temporary physical being that houses an eternal spirit, meaning that what we go through in this life is going to come to an end sooner or later, but who we are is eternal. And Jesus begins with that spirit. And poor doesn't mean a necessarily a lack of material stuff. Jesus uses this phrase to help describe the fact that our spirit is completely dependent upon the Father. We are completely dependent upon the Lord in our spirit, that we don't have wisdom without him, we don't have real guidance without him. I can't be a good dad, I can't be a good husband, I can't be a good pastor. I am completely and utterly dependent upon the Lord to guide me in this life in every aspect of it. And Jesus says blessed are those that recognize that, blessed are those that understand that we are completely and utterly dependent upon the Lord because in our dependence, in our humility, in our laying ourselves down before the Lord, specifically to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, in return you know what we get? Everything that belongs to him, his whole kingdom. And yeah, heaven is a part of that. Man, it's about more than heaven. It's about all the blessings that we have here and beyond the material. Now it may include the material, and if you're in material need, I pray that the Lord knows that, and I pray that you communicate that to him, and he helps you, just as he helps the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. He'll help you as well, but it's beyond the material. It's blessing us in relationships, it's blessing us in how we serve the kingdom, it's blessing us in being able to function all the different roles and titles that we have, that our salvation brings us more than just eternal life in heaven. It brings us prosperous life on earth. So I pray this morning that you will be poor in spirit, that you will be dependent upon the Lord, and in that you will get to see all the things that he's given you and blessed you with in this life. And then after that's over, we get to spend an eternity with him in glory. So how wonderful is that? Listen, God bless. Have a great day. If I can help or serve you in any way, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message and let me know. God bless.
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