The baby of promise, the one that was conceived by human beings, but not of human ability. Yet Isaac was born, the reason for his name and part of God's visit with Abram and Sarai, as he's telling Abram, hey, you're going to have a son and he's going to come through, the wife that you have, Sarai, even in her old age. As she heard this, she laughed, thinking there's no way. There's absolutely no way that I, at my age, could have a baby. The last laugh was God's. She did, in fact, have a baby. And together, she and her husband, Abram, named the baby of promise, the one that was conceived by human beings, but not of human ability. And together, she and her husband, Abram, named the baby Isaac, which means laughter, because his conception was laughable when it comes to human standards, when it comes to human means, but nothing is as joyful and jubilant which we did not generate ourselves nor even deserve. And that is who Isaac is.
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