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Peppo Biscarini

Jan 9, 2024 1:39 PM

Can We Move Mountains? Let's Find Out!

Talking about Faith that can move mountains and unanswered prayers. Often, the lack of faith is cited as a reason for God not answering our heartfelt petitions. There is also an account where Jesus, renowned for His miracles, chose not to perform any in a certain place due to the people's unbelief. However, it's essential to remember that not everyone with unanswered prayers lacks faith in their requests. Take, for instance, the poignant moment when Jesus prayed, "Let this cup pass from me." Did He lack faith? Certainly not! Jesus's unwavering confidence in the Father shines through, but He also demonstrated a profound submission of His will to the Father's will. Want to know more? Be sure to watch the whole video. See you!
