Hey, what's going on, Faith-Based Family? I hope you guys are doing well today. One of the things I've been thinking a lot about recently is the idea of accountability and what that looks like, not for simply the conversation around, like, who are you going to talk to when you need to either confess sin or anything like that, but more so who's also going to celebrate in your victories with you, right? The totality of our life is meant to be in relationship. We see this from the garden picture in Genesis 1, all the way through the reestablishment of the new heaven and new earth and the end of Revelation in the new city, right? We are meant to be in relationship with both God and one another. And oftentimes in our spiritual journeys, we can overemphasize the idea of being with God and underemphasize the idea of being in community. And I want to encourage you today, especially as we're a few days into the new year now and kind of the newness of, you know, the new year, new me mentality is probably starting to wane for you on some level. Who are you going to find that you can celebrate those victories with that you are making progress in, in your life? Who's going to celebrate that with you? As always, if you need prayer or you want somebody to celebrate with you, if you've got something cool going on, shoot me a message. I would love to connect. Have a great day.
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