Do you have any limiting beliefs?
Are you stopping God from doing something in your life as a result?
Christian Living
What's going on, Faith-Based Family? I hope you guys are doing well today. I was thinking about this morning, James 4, 17, this idea of resist the devil and he will flee. And we often use that passage in conjunction with like things that we might be going through, you know, certain areas of life in which we might struggle with. But one of the things I was thinking about how that verse relates into kind of the new year and the positionality that we take is like, it can be so easy for us to kind of fall into the trap of assuming that things are going to be the same, stuff isn't going to get better, right? And so it's like this negative thinking or these corollaries that tend to run with that negative thinking of like, we don't make much progress, we don't take much ground in the year, we don't make resolutions because they're dumb or they never get accomplished or whatever. That type of thinking is also something that I don't think is from the Lord. Sometimes it's not, you know, necessarily from the enemy or something like that. Sometimes it's just our own negative thought patterns that get in the way. But I'm curious if for you there might be a spiritual element, a part of that kind of movement of that thinking. Is there something in your life that is a hindrance that's coming from the enemy that's keeping you from making the progress that God wants you to make in this new year, right? Is there something that God wants to do in you and through you and for you that is limited because of this self-talk or this inability to get past that? And so I wanted to encourage you with that this morning. I hope you guys are doing well. I hope your new year's off to a good start. As always, if I can be praying for you, please send me a message. I'd love to connect. Thanks so much. Have a good day.
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