Prophetic and word of inspiration, using Ecclesiastes 7:8 and Isaiah 43:19 full of joy and encouragement to grow spiritually
Happy New Year, everyone! 2024! My name is Tonya Lee Carey. Thank you for returning back and for all newbies to check out to see what the Lord is saying through me. Welcome! I have a short message for you today. I was thinking I was doing, I was doing part two, but the Lord said, no, this is a new day. This is a new year and I'm doing a new thing. And the word he gave me, two words, is the end of a thing. It's better than the beginning. I want to give the spiritual inspiration from Ecclesiastics 7 verse 8. And it basically was saying it's not the end of the year is better. Today is better. Yesterday is better. The end of a thing is, spiritually, it's a part of the process. It's a part of our journey, our life journey. And it's better by faith. And the more we believe by faith that today is better, the end of this moment, the end of this program is better, then we will start seeing through the eyes and lenses of God, which is good and is always better. So the end of a thing is better than the beginning. And it's saying that today is better. The end of this day is better. The end of this moment is better. As long as we can just anchor and surrender in the great I am, who is good and always better, is the way we think. And I don't want to get too far ahead into my message about grace. But behold, behold, Isaiah 43 19. I love this word, especially in the beginning of a new year. Behold, God is saying, behold, pay attention. I'm doing a new thing. Do you not see it? The only way we're going to see it is through the eyes of God and is walking by faith and not by sight. He's doing a new thing in our lives. And the more we continue to believe that we will, we are backing our way into behold, he's doing a new thing and the manifestation will begin to come to us. That's already been finished by faith. Happy New Year. The end of a thing is better. We're walking in better by faith. If you want to grow, not outward, from the inside out, I'm about growth. That way you won't resist after 30 years of praying and then the word of God and living out hell, hell, hell. Even when the breakthroughs come, hell is just better because God is better. God is good and he's with us and he loves us. Just allow yourself and as we all surrender to his comfort and his mercy and his better. Amen. Amen. Happy New Year. Until next time, my name is Tanya Lee Carey. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it. Peace.
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