Kevin Bennie
Dec 29, 2023 10:40 AM
👇💥 FULL DEVO BELOW💥👇 We're all broken and twisted by sin in different ways. And in my yearly reflections I start to get a little heartsick - the things I did wrong, the wrongs done against me, the things I missed out on, my struggles and my flaws. But then, as if by some slow magnetic force I am sucked into the wormhole: these things sit in my soul and my memory and I begin to dwell on them, as though somehow holding onto the pain will heal me; as though somehow feeling the pain will pay the price for my release from it; as though holding onto the hurt will give me the ability to heal myself... Both pleasure and pain, says Screwtape, are “unmistakably real, and therefore . . . they give the man who feels them a touchstone of reality.” Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis What am I attached to? Am I attached to the pain of the past? Or the pleasure of Christ? I realize that it is often not this straightforward, the dynamics are a lot more complex, but it often plays out like this. I want to attach only to Christ. But often I operate as though the maladaptive, dysfunctional part of me will save me. Or, at least, that I love them more than I love Christ. "Lose your life for me and the sake of the gospel, and you will find it." But seek to save your life, and you will lose it. (Mark 8:35) Yes, Jesus wants all of us, even the maladaptive, dysfunctional parts of us. And some would say ESPECIALLY these parts of us! But often these are the areas of our life that we are the MOST attached to, because they have helped us get along in life, get our needs met, or just plain gone unaddressed, for a long time. What are these areas in your life? Can you see the parts of your life that you know are not functioning like they ought to? The prayer of recollection has much to teach us and is an invaluable guide in praying to detach from all our dysfunction and attaching to the true identity giver. If you have the time and space, or when you do, spend at least 5 minutes with each of these steps: Steps 1. Present yourself to the Lord 1. Offer your whole self to him, every part of you. The good and transformed parts, the maladaptive, broken, twisted parts. 2. Consider all things as lost (Philippians 3:1-11) 1. Paul considered all parts of his earthly life as a loss compared to knowing Christ. 2. Speak the truth about these areas of your life...they are nothing compared to knowing him. 3. Affirm your true identity in Christ (John 1:12) 1. Perhaps there is a favorite scripture passage here, read it over yourself! Be defined by him first and foremost, above all other things. 4. Resolve to be attentive be to Christ (John 15:5) 1. Commit in your heart to be his first. 5. Hear the word. 1. This can be any scripture passage, but take time to sit in the word of God. Perhaps it is the passage from step 3. Or use Psalm 42 below: 1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42:1-2 He is what we truly long for and what we truly need. May you find him and be known by him as you step into this New Year.