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Jackie & Elias DaHora

Dec 19, 2023 2:00 PM

How do I know I am maturing spiritually?

Trusting and depending on God is a fundamental aspect of our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to place our trust wholly in the Lord, relinquishing our reliance on our own limited understanding. This verse calls for a profound surrender, one where our plans, decisions, and paths are laid before God, acknowledging His supreme wisdom and guidance. In doing so, we allow God to lead us, straightening our paths and navigating us through life's complexities. This trust is not passive but an active, daily commitment to seek God's will and recognize His hand in every aspect of our lives. By trusting in Him, we find a sense of peace and direction that transcends human reasoning, rooted in the faithfulness and love of God.

Christian Living