The presentation of inspiration and encouragement as answering your own personal question: Your WHAT, WHY AND HOW...using Joshua 1:6. 9 and 18
Christian Living
Hey everyone, I'm back. My name is Tonya Lee Carey with Faith Base and I'm the founder of God's Freedom Fighters International and tis the season to be merry, to be encouraged, to inspire, to strengthen and build up and pray for me that is what the Lord will do through me today and I will be sharing a short message presentation on what is your what? Why do you want it? And then the how will show up and in Joshua the Lord said three times be strong and courageous. Did I not say be strong and courageous? Be strong and courageous three times in one chapter. Father God we thank you. We thank you for your word and when you repeat yourself Lord we are to attention because you are saying something to us. Just give us ears to hear what you are saying this day as we give you all the praise, honor and glory in Jesus mighty name. Amen, amen. It's a real simple message and especially at this period of time in our lives wherever you are at, even myself, but what is the what in your life? Just one or two. What is it that you know this is something that's lined up with the will of God and it's in your heart and won't go away? Okay, then write it down. Habakkuk 2, 2 and 3 says write the vision down. Though it tarry it shall come to pass. Write it down, create a picture, draw a picture, clip out a magazine, copy of whatever that what is and we are drawn in the direction of what we keep looking at and what we do daily. Prayfully we are praying daily, prayfully we are worshiping and praising the Lord daily. What we do daily determines who we become permanently. So once you get the what and when I know what I wanted to do, I mean there was different things. I believe I share it before with you and I was working at a grocery store doing COVID and I thought maybe I could do it for a couple of, for maybe a couple of years, you know a little part-time money on the side and then within a month my feet was hurting and then within three months my leg was dragging. I said, this is not gonna happen. So I had the what and I had the why. So I went after, I sought the Lord in desperation, not no man. I sought the Lord, Lord help me. I knew I needed supernatural assistance and then how showed up and that's the what, the why, the why is filled with inspiration and then the how shows up. So write the vision down. You feel a little fear and you know it's not the fear of God, the respect of God, but it's ungodly fear about you doing something. How dare you be strong and courageous. Did I not say be strong and courageous? Fear not, but be strong and courageous. What is your what? Why do you want it? It's got to include other people. Okay, and then the how show up. Until next time, my name is Tonya Lee Carey. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it, but as I've shared before, we know who loves us more and we call Him Jesus. Peace!
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