A gift fit for a high priest. Jesus is THE High Priest!
Christian Living
The second gift that the wise men brought to Jesus was frankincense. We saw that gold represented royalty, Jesus as the King of kings. Frankincense was also very specific. Frankincense was used by the priest in their sensory, the thing that they would wave back and forth that we see throughout the Old Testament, he says, the Lord says, is a sweet aroma. Their prayers, their worship, and that's what it was used for. Frankincense was used by the priest in worship of the Lord. And it's very specific that they brought the baby Jesus frankincense. Because not only is Jesus the King of kings, he is also our high priest. He is the one that now gives us access to the Father. That we as believers, through what Jesus did on the cross, we now have a high priest who stands in for us. Paul calls him our advocate. We could loosely translate that to lawyer. He is our lawyer before the Father. That when the accuser comes before the Father to accuse us of sin and rebellion, a lot of things that we've done, we have an advocate. We have a high priest that stands before the Father that argues our case. And here's the wonderful thing. It has nothing to do with how good I am. It has nothing to do with how good of a pastor I am, how educated I am, how talented I am. It has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with the cross of Jesus. That's what makes him our high priest. And I love what the writer of Hebrews says. That because he was human, he can now identify with everything that we go through. All of our pains, all of our hurts, all of our struggles. That we have a high priest that stands in for us. That knows exactly what we're going through. That's why the incarnation, Jesus, God, becoming human to be able to be our substitute on the cross for us. So I want to encourage you today. If you're going through a hard time, if something's happening in your life, know that you have a high priest that is standing in for you. That is helping lead us into worship of the Father. That knows exactly how you feel. And he is the one that has the power to be able to help you and give you the strength to endure for another day. Listen, God bless. If I can do anything for you, please shoot me a message. Let me know. Have a great day. Amen.
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