Using Psalms 16:11, In His Presence is fullness of JOY. Receive/Receivers....scores points, personal testimonial, using Barry Sanders/Football terms as another example. Closing prayer.
Christian Living
Greetings, everyone. My name is Tonya Lee Carey with Faith Base, and I'm also the founder of God's Freedom Fighters International, and I have a word from the throne room, but I'm going to first open up with prayer. Father God, I thank you. I thank you for this day that you have made, and we can rejoice and be glad in it, Father God, that we decrease and you increase even more in and through our lives. Give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying in and through me this day, in Jesus' name, amen, amen. It's time to score. No more defense, defending ourselves. It's time to take that ball to the end, to the touchdown line, pass it to Jesus. Okay. Barry Sanders, I watch the documentary in regards to his life, and as a receiver, and the rushing yards he made, and the miracles of how he was able to get through the line to get to the touchdown line. That's what it's time for us to do. We, by faith, we're already there, but once we get there, we're the pass the ball. Yeah. Once we get the touchdown, we're going to pass the ball to Jesus because victory is already done. He didn't see the end from the beginning. It's time to score points. Now, if you don't belong to Christ, especially, you are going to not feel good. You're going to think about what you don't have. Case in point, in my 20s, they stole my car. I had just had major surgery, and I didn't get my insurance renewed because I said, I'm not driving. I didn't have no mother around to coach me. I didn't have no father. No, my grandmother had passed away. I mean, you talking about shock. I had just had my uterus taken out. Okay. I was about 30. That Christmas, it was so bad, all I could give my children was a pack of Lifesavers. I know it sounds hilarious, but it was sad. Really, spiritually, it's really ungodly to be so into your situation. I understand I lost my son, so I know about grieving, but that was one of the worst of the worst of the worst, at least with Jesus. We may feel sad and down, but we're not going to act like it. We're going to allow his strength to be manifested in and through our weakness. I want you to take this ball. You are now a receiver. It's time to score. We're going to get through some stuff that we never got through because we could see him on the other side. He's saying, come, follow me. Take up your cross. Come, Peter. Glory be to God. We have already got the touchdown. Victory is ours. In his presence is fullness of joy. We step away from his presence. We turn around to the left or right. It's not Jesus or God. It's us. In his presence is fullness of joy. We already got the touchdown. We've already scored. Glory be to God. Now pass it. He's waiting for us to pass it to him. To God be the glory. I want to close with this prayer. It's the sinner's prayer, and I want to lead every single person who has not given their life to Christ and everyone that has, we're going to read it together. Amen. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and I ask you for forgiveness and I believe you died for our sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you. Yes, Lord and Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. Touchdown. Score some points. In his presence is fullness of joy and allow his light to shine through all this darkness in this world system. I love you. There's nothing you can do about it. Till next time. Peace.
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