Well hey folks, last week I gave you, showed you the beginning of our collection for our toy giveaway. That is tomorrow morning, Monday. I'm shooting this on Sunday afternoon. So Monday morning, these are all of the families that got signed up. You can see it goes all the way back to the back corner. These are all the ones that have signed up and what they'll do is those families will get here first. Now tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, all the other pastors that are a part of this with us, we'll all meet together. We're gonna have breakfast together. We're gonna pray over everything, pray for each other. So looking forward to that. It's wonderful to get together with pastors from different churches and denominations. Just spend some time together and all the folks that have these presents over here will come in that door at 9 o'clock. We'll get them all set up. That literally will be done in an hour. They get that done pretty quickly and then what we have is all the people who didn't get a chance to sign up will line up outside of our gym and they will come in this door and when they come in this door, somebody's gonna meet them, ask them how many kids do you have, boy, girl, age, that kind of thing and then they'll walk through here. These empty tables are gonna be full in the morning. We got another storage room full of stuff so it's not even complete. Again, I'm shooting this on Sunday afternoon. This is all gonna take place tomorrow morning on the 11th. So I just want to give you an update on where we were and hopefully as an encouragement to you to be generous this Christmas season. We all have an abundance. We have an abundance of something. It may be time, it may be money, it may be your skill, but whatever you have an abundance of, give. There's somebody you can bless with your abundance. Jesus gave out of his and I have the conviction that he expects me to give out of mine. So I want to encourage you to give out of your abundance today. Bless somebody else's life with with what you have and make somebody else's life better. Listen, if I can do anything for you, shoot me a message and let me know. God bless. You guys have a great day.
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