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Kevin Bennie

Dec 8, 2023 10:00 AM

โ€ฆand then its broken - part 3 Stewardship

๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ’ฅ FULL DEVO BELOW๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘‡ Yesterday we talked about how amazing it is that God would bless us with ruling and reigning over this world! Although it didn't take long for us to mess this up...in chapter 3 we go against God's design and try to do things our own way which is disastrous consequences on many levels, but especially in regards to our ability to rule and reign God's way. Now, human beings mess this up everyday, in small and massive ways. We are thrust into doing everything from a fallen perspective and an out-of-alignment-with-God's-design kind of way. 1. When we disregard that innate desire to rule / reign / have dominion, we don't glorify God. This means that we pursue the flourishing of the world, the people, the communities around us. However, it his DOES mean getting off our butts and getting to work! That will look different for everyone as well according to their various capacities and abilities. 2. When we we do does not advance the flourishing of this world. When we contribute to chaos or disorder in the world and our own selfish ends. In order to know the way God intended, we have to accomplish things God's way and in order to do that we have to know his word. This can only be done God's way. Thankfully, by common grace, many people and cultures have figured out tap into this. However...point 3. 3. We also mess this up when we don't do it for God's glory. When we do it selfishly (which happens most of the time in humanity), when we do it for our own purpose, for our own twisted desires, for our own glory or for our own ends, it goes wrong. This is the story of humanity. But that is okay, it is also the beginning of the story of the gospel, the good news that Jesus made a way for us to do this. PRAY - REFLECT Do one of these, in particular, connect with you? In what ways do you participate in the fallen ways of trying to rule or reign? As you talk with the Lord, remember he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. (Psalm 145:8-9)

Christian Living