Psalms 37: 4 Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart
Testimony of Hope....your heart desires will manifest ..keep faith alive
Hey everyone, I'm back. My name is Tonya Lee Carey with Faith Face and I was praying about this next segment and and I just feel led to share another testimony as I shared the enemy don't want us to have any and I'm at a stage in my life I have many and this is really important especially during the holiday season and we think about what we're going to be giving to other people and what we like to have and it may take you a little longer to receive this but I had a prayer it took years to happen but it wasn't without effort in Psalms 37 for it reads that those that delight in the Lord and even those is the light in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart and I lived on that scripture for years and God is not a God that lies or his word is sharper than any two-edged sword and if it hasn't happened it's coming so that's a word of hope it's coming don't give up it's coming I always wanted a close relationship with my mom and as if you've seen them a few videos back on Thanksgiving I did a video with her and it took decades and to have the relationship I have with her literally I thought my mother didn't love me didn't like me and but my grandmother is the one who practically raised me but I always wanted to be close and please my mom and to say that it finally happened there were some times and this is confession confess your faults to one another I didn't treat my mom the greatest and I was not a child but I was a young adult and I think I was still holding some unforgiveness and why didn't you love me and all I know is that our parents do the best that they can do and if you don't know how they was raised and you know this is where we learn grace we learned about forgiving ourselves forgiving others truly loving unconditionally and I went to a leadership summit a few years ago a decade or two ago and literally it brought me back home and I got on my knees and thank God asked to forgive me repent that my mom is still alive and I can honor her as best as I can and to this day it's going on about 20 years I am her legal guardian and it's a relationship that I only dreamt about and prayed about and it's manifested so this Christmas holiday it may not happen right away but hold on keep the faith and remain hopeful and work towards reaching towards one of the fruits of the Spirit and that's goodness and kindness and being patient and love and self-control and it's coming you keep the late delighting in the Lord which is pleasing God working by faith and not by sight your heart desire is about to be manifested because it's going to line up with the will of God amen my name is Tonya Lee Carey I love you and there's nothing you can do about it peace
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