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Dr.J (S.L. Jordan, Ph.D.,Ed.D.)

Nov 27, 2023 11:00 AM

Dr J’s Thoughts: Trusting God in Turbulent Times

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Introduction: Faith requires us to trust God, especially during challenges. True trust offers peace, strength, and hope, regardless of circumstances. Let's delve into three aspects of how to deepen our trust in God. 1. Trusting God's Character** God's unwavering character — his faithfulness, love, and justice — anchors our trust. Despite life's storms, anchoring in God's love ensures we stay afloat. Illustration: Like a boat amidst rough seas, our lives might be tossed about by challenges. Trusting God's character is our anchor, preventing us from sinking. Examples from Scripture: - Job, despite immense suffering, praised God (Job 1:21). - David found solace in God's care (Psalm 23:1-3). 2. Trusting God's Timing** Understanding and accepting God's perfect timing can test our patience. However, even in waiting, we must believe he works for our best. Illustration: A caterpillar's metamorphosis in its cocoon mirrors our transformation during challenging times. Trusting God's timing ensures we emerge beautifully. Examples from Scripture: - Joseph, sold into slavery and imprisoned, later rose to power, realizing God's purpose (Genesis 50:20). - Despite a delayed response to Lazarus's death, Jesus showcased His power, teaching Mary and Martha about divine timing (John 11:21). 3. Trusting God's Plan** God's plan for us is rooted in goodness. Even during confusing times, we must believe he's guiding us right. Illustration: Consider a GPS, always redirecting us even after wrong turns. God's plan similarly ensures we're always on the right path. Examples from Scripture: - Esther risked her life, trusting God's plan, saving her people (Esther 4:16). - Apostle Paul, transformed from persecuting Christians to being their staunch advocate, epitomized trust in God's plan (Romans 8:38–39). Conclusion: Trusting in God's character, timing, and plan is pivotal for Christians. Throughout history, exemplary figures like Abraham, Joseph, and David exhibited unwavering trust. Emulating them, let's anchor our lives in Proverbs 3:5-6, trusting God completely, no matter our understanding. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Guide us to trust Your timing and plan, even when we don't understand. Strengthen our faith and lead us closer to You. In Jesus' name, Amen. Quotes: - "God's plan is the best, even when incomprehensible." - Tony Evans - "He's in every detail of our lives." - Joyce Meyer - "God's unchanging character warrants complete trust." - John MacArthur
