We have more victory and power than we realize when we tap into God's Truth about our lives and purpose!
Christian Living
What's up, everybody? My name is zeal. I'm so excited about this word today This has been a topic that God has been speaking to me about all year Which has really gotten me fired up for I don't know Just my future with the Lord and the different things that I'm just like man I really got that wrong before or I wasn't walking in the power that I could have and It's basically the topic of knowing your identity in Christ knowing your identity in Christ and walking in it, which is so much easier said than done because we all have so many things to break off of our Mindset and to renew our minds in and to realize yo, I'm really not of this world Help me to do this Lord God. Like how do I how do I walk as somebody not of this world, but I'm in the world What do we do? You know, it's all in the word and it's all a process And it's all a heart posture of God, I may have gotten it wrong today, but I love you and I want to get it Right. I love you, and I want to walk in power I will love you and I want to walk in victory show me the way Holy Spirit and open up my heart and mind in Different ways that I may have missed it Oh Tear off the veils off of my eyes and my ears so I can hear you and see you The way you need the way I need to hear and see you in this season of my life And I thank God for his grace as he pours that out when that's our prayer God will pour out those things and sometimes he'll do it quickly So get ready get ready get I'm just fine. But um He may do a quick work which actually will feel so beautiful because we have to remember don't be afraid of those things Because God is love and so if God is doing it and he allows the quick work, it's all love It's always love all things work together for the good of those who love God and when you're asking God I want to be in your will that means you love God. So it's all gonna work together for you good So no worry, you know I'm saying but I wanted to take us to I just be rambling. I'm sorry I went two minutes into rambling. I get so excited because I want this to soak in what I'm Getting from the Lord It's so beautiful. But and it's some of it is just here. It's just here. We could just take it off the page It doesn't have to be this big download from the Holy Spirit But when we are when we're aware of wanting to walk in our true identity, it's a different awakening that happens so first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 Through 12 is where I wanted to go So verse 9 it says but you if you've accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior But you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation It's own special people that you know that you may proclaim the praises of him God who called you out of darkness We're out of the darkness into his marvelous light who once were not a people but are now the people of God Who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy beloved now that you have this new identity and you've openly expressed your love for Christ and you say you're a Jesus follower as Much as we could get it, right beloved. I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims So we're not of this world. We're pilgrims are sojourners. We're traveling through until God takes us home I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul having your conduct Honorable among the Gentiles that when they speak against you because they're gonna speak against you They're gonna hate you people that are following Christ and not doing the social norms when they speak against you as evildoers They may by your good works, which they observe glorify God in the day of visitation So how we conduct ourselves as a body of one How we conduct ourselves with the one Holy Spirit living in all of us It's so important when people want to talk against us and go against us and things like that. We are Witnesses of Jesus. So Lord, I ask for your grace and your mercy in this season. Oh God Redirect this alter our minds However, need be open up our hearts. Give us a heart of flesh to receive your word And your instruction in your correction and how we need in this season. Oh God, we thank you that this is not condemnation But correction and we love you. Oh God and help us To joyfully serve you Jesus So that's going to help us when we're witnessing This is why it's so important as well to forgive our enemies because they're going to come against you But when they see those good works, they're going to glorify God in heaven because they see the truth has set you free And has stabilized you in your walk in this in this earth as everything else passes away They'll see the truth of God's word standing firm in your life. So God bless you. I love you so much I hope you go out there and release the zeal you have for Jesus. I love you. And then until next time Thank you for listening. God bless you. Bye
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