What does it look like for you to practice faithfulness in your life?
Christian Living
You know often I hear integrity as being defined as the thing that you do when no one's looking, and I think there's a good kind of equivalency of that when you talk about the notion of faithfulness. If one of the fruit of the Spirit is being faithful, right, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, then what are we being faithful to, right? Are we being faithful to a call, to a job, to a spouse? I think all those things are true, but I think the biggest thing to which we're called to be faithful as followers of Jesus is the notion of Jesus's Lordship in our life. This willingness to die to ourself daily, like the Gospel of Luke talks about. This almost desire to see Jesus at the expense of ourself is one that is not really talked about too often from most of the pulpits that I've seen, because it's a little bit hard, it can feel a little bit strange, and it can be a little bit incriminating, right, because I know, you know, as pastors we feel like we fail in that area a lot, and so I want to encourage you today, this idea of being faithful to Christ at the expense of all things. Where is one area in your life where you could consider being more faithful to the Lord? Is that with your time, your talent, or your treasure? Shoot me a DM. Let me know. Let's talk about it.
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