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Kevin Bennie

Nov 18, 2023 10:00 AM

The Good News!

👇💥 FOLLOW ALONG💥👇 (I share a new song for the last minute and a half, I promise I don’t talk the whole time, ha!) Jesus ends this the way we began it. Mark 1:1 “the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God…” Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus wants us to know him, to know who he is. Jesus wants to be seen! Known for who he is: the God who gave himself as the great sacrifice, the God who got dirty feet, touched dirty people, bled, and died and then conquered death. The God who led the way and was the physical embodiment of an example for our own lives. - But first, we have to be willing to listen. We have to be willing to have our eyes opened. Not Jesus or God in our own image, the way we want him - Second, following Jesus means we need humble ourselves to serve the least of these, the poor, the outcast, the vulnerable, the sick. - Third, we have to submit ourselves to follow Jesus' way. Take up our cross and be the slave of all, to actively choose last place, the place of servanthood. His way is the good news! When we let go of the world's system, self-exaltation, self-promotion, taking the place of honor, we are free! The Good News is that Jesus has come, to die on our behalf so that we can live in freedom from sin and freedom from death and from the world's way of living. “Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning. Earning is an attitude. Effort is an action.” ~Dallas Willard As you listen to the song, CONSIDER - does Jesus way sound like good news? It may be hard, but the earning is not ours to make, it has been accomplished. Jesus did this when he was on the cross. But the effort is ours to make, the action, the response to it. And we are free, by his grace, to move as we feel able and led. PRAY - Ask God to open your heart to whatever he have spoken to you through this series, to internalize it, and live it out in your everyday life. "The Good News" by Maverick City Music
