Today we begin our daily prayer series. Join me in prayer as we use Psalms 1:1-3 as our outline.
Christian Living
Good morning and welcome to our daily prayer. You might be watching this at some other time besides the morning So good day to you, and we're gonna just jump right in. I'm gonna be praying through Psalms Start with in this series and of course beginning with Psalm 1 So please join with me in prayer gracious heavenly father. We thank you that we can come before you in prayer this morning I pray dear God that you'd bless us and your scripture says it blessed as a man who walks not in the council of the ungodly, and we know Lord God that your blessings Your myriad of blessings all of the things that we have we have from your hand and those blessings come from you Lord God It's not that we have earned them. It's not that we are worthy of them, but that you are gracious and Good God Lord your scripture tells us that we will be blessed if we if we do not Walk in the ways if we do not listen to the ways and the words of those who deny you Lord God the counsel of the ungodly those who For whatever reason have turned away from you or have never been in the family of God Lord, we know that there are many of those around us who are ungodly many who? preach a false gospel of self a false gospel of power Lord Blessed are those we are blessed if we do not walk in the council of those we hear that daily on the news we hear it from friends and co-workers even then the idea that there is is something other than you Yahweh God who controls all things or just that Life is just merely chance and we know Lord God that those things are not true So we want to be blessed we ask that you will bless us as we Do not walk in the council of the ungodly that we do not stand in the path of sinners that we aren't moving in the direction of Those who deny you Lord God Bring us up short. We pray dear Lord that we will not walk down the path We will not spend time in the company of those who deny you Lord God We do not want to be like them We want to be a light shining for the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ Lord part of that witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ are the blessings that you bring to us when we walk in your ways not in the ways of the world Lord and those blessings can be something as simple as the peace and The sense of your love and your presence that we feel that those around us can see Lord We also pray that you will keep it from sitting in the seat of the scornful that we will not feel comfortable And that we will not take up residence. I guess we could say in the in the ways of the ungodly that we will not Stand walk in the council will not not stand in the path will not sit in the seat of those who deny you who Pursue sin who are scornful of the ways of God. So Lord, I pray that this morning that as we Begin this time of prayer this this series of prayers that we will come before you on a daily basis Lord God Using your scripture to guide us Lord We want to be blessed and we want to be blessed in the way of not Going astray and Lord we want to delight in your law We want your word to be written upon our heart. We want your ways to be What we are Lord I'm reminded that you Lord Jesus told us that we should not call you Lord if we do not do what you say You told us Lord Jesus that if we do what you say Then we will have a firm foundation in our lives and so we pray this morning Lord God that each one of us can be building that firm foundation that The problem still come that it's a tough time still hit us. But Lord as we meditate in your word as We delight in your word Then you will give us strength. You will give us a foundation that can withstand the hardships of life You will give us a foundation that when they will enable us to to turn away from the ungodly turn away from the sinner Turn away from the scornful and to be instead speaking truth living a life that is a example of Christ likeness and instead of scorn we will have respect and Honor give honor to our Lord and to our God Lord we're going to conclude this morning by asking that we can be like that tree planted by the rivers of water again tying Lord with what you said to us about Walking in your ways that if we obey you that we will have a firm foundation like this tree at this so that the psalmist is speaking of here that we can be planted by the rivers of waters that we can draw from you as we Learn your ways learn your law learn your word and live in it then you will draw us closer to you and Feed us by the power of your Holy Spirit as that law that's written on our heart is enlivened through your spirit and through Fellowship that we have with others Lord God your people can also be part of what? Nurtures us and brings us to greater life Lord God And so we pray that in this very difficult time in which we live things it seems are just going to pieces all around us We want to be Strong in the Lord and the power of your might we want to be Like that tree that's planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit Lord God that we can be an example of Christ likeness that we can be a Servant to those in need Lord that we can Love our neighbor as you told us we should do that we can do what's most beneficial for those around us and have the the ability to do that Lord God that as We are Planted in strength as we are watered by your word and as we are nourished by the Spirit of God Bringing the word alive in our hearts that we can be This tree that brings forth fruit and season that we will be of Blessing and benefit to those around us as we bring our life and our arena of activity under your Lordship I pray Lord God that we can be a beacon of Christlikeness in our community and in those that we are around on a daily basis Lord so that Whatever we do shall prosper Lord your scripture tells us that as we Walk in your ways that you will bring blessing and Lord. We don't we don't even Necessarily cry out to you for material prosperity but what we do ask you for is for the contentment the peace that Paul said that in a very specific situation, but that principle Being content with much or with little that we are content in you Lord Jesus that we are content in this relationship we have with you So Lord God, I pray that you'll bless us this day that you all watch over each one of us That we will avoid those things that would pull us away from you and that we would turn our eyes to you Lord and that we would be strong in the power of your might that we would be strong in the strength of your Holy Spirit as The Word of God is enlivened in our hearts in our minds today So we pray these things we pray them with confidence as we pray in Jesus name. Amen well, thank you for spending some time with me this morning or again, whatever time of the day you might be with us and in the we over the weekend Saturday Sunday and Monday I'm gonna be on call at the Regional Medical Center where I am a chaplain and so You'll get to see my office there. This of course is the church office but I'll be filming and I guess you can say broadcasting from from that location so Until then I would encourage you to be looking ahead If you will you can look into Psalm 1 will continue to pray through that Psalm we just went through the first three verses this morning and my plan at this point is just to continue through the Psalms and And Hopefully as the Lord leads we can we might go off of that of that pattern But hopefully we can at some point make our way through the entirety of the book of Psalms. So God bless you I'll see you again tomorrow
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