The term "Lord" was used as a stand in for God's name - and later was applied to God incarnate!
Christian Living
Welcome to Thinking About the Bible. Today we are going to be thinking about talking about the term Lord and we've mentioned already how that term was used in the Old Testament translations and indeed in the original Hebrew it was very quickly the name Yahweh was changed to Lord or something equivalent to that Adonai and in the Septuagint the same thing happened that instead of using the name Yahweh the word or the term Lord was used. Now when we come to the New Testament I think the first time that the term Lord was applied to Jesus was in Luke 1 43. Why? This is Elizabeth speaking to Mary. Why am I so honored that the mother my Lord should visit me? Now in the Koine Greek that Kurios is the Greek term that's translated as Lord and it refers, it doesn't necessarily mean deity, it refers to the one to whom something belongs or the one who has the power of deciding, one who is the master or the one in charge, he's the one who possesses things, the owner, the controller, etc. So it's kind of a generic term but always, not always, but often be used to refer to someone in the same way we might use the term Sir or even Mr. So it wasn't necessarily in the original Koine Greek and the Greek of the day wasn't used to refer to deity but in the Jewish way of thinking it was, very much so. Now we also know that in the the non-Jewish people who came to know Jesus the Christ as Lord that term for them also had a connection to deity and they were taught this of course because Jesus himself connected him himself to the name Yahweh to what was translated as Lord when he says I am. He used that that phrase more than once as we see recorded in the New Testament. So the the New Testament teachers and writers the people of that of that time period made a connection between Jesus and Yahweh, therefore Jesus the Lord. But the Greek speaking Christians also had a tradition of using Lord for deity as well and so it was a very easy, very easy for them to apply that term kurios, Lord, to Jesus and to understand him as the one true God. Now what does that mean for us today? Well Lord means the one who possesses all things, the one who is master, the one who is in charge and so when we think today about Jesus our Lord let's think about the fact that he is the one who's in charge of our life. Jesus said why do you call me Lord if you don't do what I say? And so if we don't do what he says we really have no place or no reason to say that he is our Lord. I mean he is the Lord whether we live like it or not but the point is today think about Jesus the Lord and how he is in fact and how he should be even more so in a practical way, Lord of your life, master of your life. What are the things in your life that you need to bring under the Lordship of Jesus Christ because our whole life and arena of activity are supposed to be under his Lordship. So today as we think about that term Lord I challenge you to think what is it in your life that you have brought under his Lordship but what is it in your life that you have so far not brought under the Lordship of Jesus the Christ. So be thinking about that today we'll see you again tomorrow.
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