Tomorrow is not promised! This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it!
Well, over a 13-day span, I'm going to do a funeral for three different people, all under the age of 50, two of them from illness, one of them from an accident. And what I really felt compelled to do this morning to encourage everybody is simply to enjoy every day that you have. Find a way, especially during the Thanksgiving season, to be thankful for everything that you have, specifically be thankful for everybody that's in your life right now, because you don't know when it's going to be taken away. One young man died in a tragic accident, two other young men to illnesses that came on sudden. You are not, I am not, guaranteed tomorrow. So I really want to encourage you today, be thankful for what you have. Be grateful for this life that's given you. I'm not minimizing your pain, I'm not minimizing what you're going through, but three funerals in the 13-day span of three people under the age of 50 for a guy who's 44 helped me see that this can go different very, very quickly. So again, I want to encourage you to love the people around you, spend time with your church family, serve the gospel of Jesus, be thankful for everything that you have today. If there's anything that I can do to pray for you today or serve you or your family, please don't hesitate, shoot me a message, let me know. God bless.
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