Yesterday we took a look in Romans 12 12 what Paul means by remaining faithful in prayer and if you haven't had a chance I would encourage you to watch yesterday's video but as a quick recap we saw that being faithful in prayer means to be steadfastly attentive or constantly ready and we talked about how that can be a challenge at times it can be a challenge to be immediately ready to respond and take action through prayer and we're gonna look today how Paul explains how we can be faithful in prayer we see in Romans 12 9 he writes that love must be sincere hate what is evil and cling to what is good he then goes on to lay out what that sincere love in action looks like and that's what brings us to our verse in Romans 12 12 so it's from this place of sincere love hating what is evil clinging to what is good that we are able to be joyful in hope patient in affliction and faithful in prayer it is a sincere love that empowers us to be faithful in prayer and I know yesterday I used a sports analogy but I'm a sports guy so I'm gonna stick with that theme today but I love my teams I love the teams that I support and I am faithful to those teams win or lose high or low I'm there I'm ready to watch I'm steadfastly attentive because I love my teams and it's simple but it's true that sincere love enables us to be faithful so what is it that we're meant to have a sincere love for it's pretty straightforward the things of God his will his word his way his plans and the people of God our brothers and sisters in Christ those that we pray with those that we pray for it is through a sincere love for the things of God and the people of God that enables us to be faithful in prayer for the things of God and the people of God so I pray that that encourages you let us be rooted in love in a sincere love so that we may be faithful in prayer in Jesus
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