If you're mad at God, tell him. Tell him if you're confused, if you're in pain, or if you're upset. Talk to him about it because the worst thing that you can do on your pain and hurt is to stop talking to him.
A few weeks ago I did a video showing how I do hospital visits and what a lot of pastors do when they do hospital visits. Well one of the folks that I was visiting and have been visiting for over a month now passed away yesterday and I want to share a little bit with you about the conversation that I've had not just with the family but with others who are going through pain and going through hurt about being angry, about being mad, confused, upset and you hear all the time well not maybe not all the time but you hear people say from time to time well don't don't be mad God's got a plan you shouldn't be upset God's got a plan and I understand why people say those things but here here's the reality we're all human and when something tragic is death and hurt that they happen to us it's gonna hurt you're gonna get mad you're gonna get angry you're gonna get confused you are gonna feel a ton of different emotions and that doesn't negate the fact that God has a plan we know that God has a plan he's sovereign his word says that he he guides the oceans and the hearts of men there's nothing that happens on this planet that God's not aware of including our own feelings so I always try to encourage people if you're mad at God tell him if you're confused about what God is doing tell him if you're upset tell him the worst thing that we can do in our pain and hurt is stop talking to him so I want to encourage you if you're if you're hurting if you're confused if you're in pain if there's something going on in your life and you find yourself blaming God for it the worst thing you can do is stop talking to God about it now I'm not saying you're right I'm not saying that you need to continue in those emotions I'm not saying it's healthy spiritually mentally physically emotionally to continue in those emotions but acknowledge that that's how you feel in the moment and then talk to the one person who can actually do something about it and that's Jesus so if you're going through a pain and you're going through a hurt and God didn't answer your prayers the way your heart and logic thought he should talk to him about it it's okay to be angry it's okay to be mad it's okay to feel your emotions don't let Satan talk you into not talking to your Heavenly Father about them listen if I can pray for you anyway if I can do anything for you please shoot me a message let me know God bless have a great day
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