James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
Christian Living
Hello, family. I am Jackie McGemsey. And I'm Isaac McGemsey. And we are Marriage360 coming to you live today on Faith Based, talking about the essentials of communication. How important, again, is communication, family? So we're working. I know this is our second week talking about this. We may do it for another week or so because there's so much to be said about it. Isaac, let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen anybody angry? Most definitely. We counsel couples every day. And so we eventually see people who are angry, who are upset, who are triggered, who are frustrated with their partner. Dare I say, we've been those things with each other. It's the normal thing of being in a marriage or being in a romantic relationship. You're going to have a miscommunication. You're going to have moments where you're angry. The Bible even says, you know, for us to be angry and sin not. So it's an emotion that we have. Sometimes if we don't have it controlled, it gets out of hand. But I just want to say this, that we see couples in these positions where they miscommunicate something. Something goes awry and then now they're angry. One of the terms we use is they become flooded. That means they can't hear anything. They can't understand anything. And it's because the base of it is they're angry. You know, James 1, 19, just to put a little scripture behind what we are. It says, understand this, my dear brothers and sisters, you must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. And I slowed down and put some emphasis on that because you know what? It's so easy that we can be talking and get lost in the communication. Say something too quick. They may miss a word. It might not come out exactly like you need it to. But here in James, it's very clear instruction on communication. Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. As Isaac stated, we do a lot of couples coaching and counseling. We also do a lot of family counseling. And in doing family counseling, I think a lot of times what we learn is that, you know, especially us as parents or even us as mates can get upset because when we're having a conversation, we have the sender and we have the receiver, whoever we're talking to. You know, even though Isaac and I sit in kind of close, there's still some space here. Anytime you have a conversation, there's always going to be some distance in between the two of y'all. What we don't know is what's in that distance. And we like to call that the noise. And what is the noise? The noise is somebody made you mad at work today. You might not have got to... Somebody made a broken line in front of you at school. Somebody could have pulled in front of you or cut you off in your car. I mean, it happens to me all the time. Go figure that. But when I say that, I come home and my husband says, hey baby, what do you want for dinner? And I'm thinking you passed 15 restaurants on your way here. I just almost got cut off. Of course, I don't say that. How do I respond? Why don't you stop and get something to eat? Why are you asking me what you want for dinner? You know what you want to eat. So family, it's just so important to try to minimize some of the noise that we have going on in our lives before we begin to engage in conversation with our loved ones, whether it be your children, your maid, your mom, or your dad. It's just so important that we are quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Because once we get angry, then we've gone too far. We've said things, we've hurt people, and that's not our goal. We don't want to hurt our family. We want to love our family. And more importantly, we want our family to know that they're loved. Most definitely. Hey, thanks for taking time with us. This is Isaac and Jackie on Faith Base. We look forward to seeing you next time.
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