Salvation is a gift from God. We don't earn salvation.
Christian Living
Welcome back. Thinking about the Bible and thinking about salvation we're looking at Romans 6 23 and the second part of that verse 6 23 B I guess you could say the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord and and there's three things we want to look at there. One is the gift of God. Salvation is a gift. We don't earn salvation. We don't say well I'm sorry for what I've done and therefore somehow earn it. We haven't really covered this yet but we'll get to this point here down the road a piece but this whole process takes place because the Holy Spirit enables us to believe, enables us to omit our guilt, omit our sin, enables us to come to a place where we are humble enough to say Lord forgive me for the sin that I've committed. So this is a gift from God. We cannot save ourselves. There's nothing we can do to save ourselves and that's really that's part of the sin of humanity is saying no I can save myself. I'm going to embrace some false religion, Eastern mysticism, you know whatever might be something that that I don't have to acknowledge God and I'll save myself. I'll find nirvana through some other process but that doesn't happen. It can't happen. The gift of God is eternal life and when we talk about eternal life again it's not just the hereafter that we need to be concerned with when we talk about salvation. We'll cover that in more detail but I want to mention that one more time at this point but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Now it's only in Jesus that this whole process of salvation is affected because remember I mentioned that Adam drew all of humanity into sin and rebellion against God. It is Jesus Christ the eschatol in Adam as Paul terms him, the last Adam, who draws humanity out of that sin and rebellion. Now not everybody because not everybody receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior but those whom he has chosen and those whom he has empowered to embrace the truth of the gospel he draws them out of that place of rebellion and sin and war against God. So the salvation is only in Jesus Christ. There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved it's only Jesus Christ and those who think that there are other pathways is this whenever I hear that especially from people who who claim to be Christian I've heard Christians say well they'll ask when they find out that someone that they know they had a loved one who passed away and they'll ask well was he a good person and oh yeah he was a good person well then he's gonna go to heaven he'll be with the Lord he'll be with God well that's not true because no one's good as I read earlier just at the beginning of this I think was this episode where we talked about that there is no one righteous no not one it is only in Jesus Christ is only an embrace of Jesus Christ and his substitutionary death and that's what the scripture is telling us that the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ he died so that we don't have to he died to pay for our sins he died that we might have relationship with God and so it all of course is in Jesus Christ now we'll come back to this and continue to develop this topic but today I want you to think about eternal life salvation right relationship with God in Jesus Christ and give thanks for that why there's there's there's nothing else we should ever do but always be giving thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for saving us from our sin and so today as you think about salvation keep that in mind see you again next time
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