We have Jesus Christ as our sole mediator, and we receive God's Word directly through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Embrace God's commands and remember the importance of loving God and your neighbors.
Christian Living
Hello and welcome to thinking about the Bible and here I am again in the evening giving you a an episode of thinking about God's law and if you're one of the people who listen to this in the morning or watch this in the morning that's okay it's just that I'm I'm here at night right now and have some time to do this and this is on my heart right now because I want to talk about the mediation that Moses provided and how we don't have that kind of thing anymore because Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man between God and humanity and so the Word of God is given to us is spoken to us by the Bible itself and Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity makes that word alive to us we don't need someone mediating between us and God we don't need a priest or a Pope or or a prophet like Moses or someone else now that isn't to say by the way that the Word of God cannot be spoken to us by brothers and sisters who admonish us in Christ with the scripture who hold us accountable by citing the Bible and and I don't mean this in a negative fashion but in the loving warm fellowship of a church setting perhaps a small group setting where brothers and sisters in Christ are looking at the Word of God and expressing what the scripture says to one another to admonish to encourage to hold accountable we also of course are taught the Bible by pastors and teachers who aren't acting as mediators but they are gifted by God to express to expound upon the Word of God and to make application for us and to explain it to us so that we can understand better what the Bible is saying to us in this current day and age but Jesus Christ is our only mediator and the the wonder of his sacrifice for us that we might have fellowship with God in our Lord Jesus Christ is amazing so we should when we do express the the new creation express that law that's been written upon our heart we are doing that out of love and gratitude for what Jesus Christ has done for us so we go back to what we're talking about here and we look at the fact that the scripture says God spoke all these words we need to take that very seriously if we're going to embrace the chief commands that Jesus gave us that he reiterated or the the law by saying you know loving God and loving your neighbor we have to first of all be willing to listen to what God says we can't love him if we're not willing to listen and take seriously what he says about how we should behave and so the love for God and the love for neighbor both rest upon this fact that God spoke these words Jesus Christ applies them to our heart by the power of the Holy Spirit and I'm gonna I'm gonna leave off there in this episode we really still haven't even got into the Ten Commandments the first commandment will be in the next episode but for now what I want you to do is is to think about God's law think about how Jesus Christ is our mediator and Jesus Christ has spoken to us concerning the law of God and we have that privilege that opportunity to show our love to him and the wonderful things that he's done for us to show our appreciation by walking in his ways according to the Bible God bless you I'll see you in the next episode
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