Today let's talk about what God cares about. "God is saying, I could care less about your occupation, I care everything about the state of your character"
Christian Living
And God is saying, believe it or not, I could care less about your occupation. I care everything about the state of your character. Amen. So let me show you a little scripture. 1 Samuel, just listen to 1 Samuel chapter 16. When they arrived, Samuel saw Aliyah and thought, based upon how he looked, surely this is the Lord's anointing that stands before me. But the Lord said to Samuel, do not consider his appearance or his height. If I was breaking it down, I would say, don't consider his appearance, his height, his race, his complexion, nor his occupation. Because the Bible says, I rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Amen. The Lord looks at the heart. Do not allow you to beat yourself up based upon your occupation. And if the world says, wow, you got an amazing occupation, don't make me think that you're better than someone else. And if the world says, that's what you do for a living, don't make me think that you're less than someone else. Because in the eyes of God, I am more concerned at the state and the condition of your heart, because guess what? Your job don't have a heaven for you, but your heart does. Amen.
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