"Don't die old, die empty."
Draw as many children to their fathers and fathers to their children.
Don't give up on seeking and desiring.
Christian Living
Everyone, welcome back. My name is Tanyalee Carey, and this is part two of I Am My Father's Daughter. Thank you all for who listened in on Father's Day weekend. It truly was an honor and a blessing. And thanks again, Father's Eve, for giving me and allowing me to have that opportunity. There's a quote by Dr. Miles Morone. He says, don't die old, die empty. It's the greatest goal of life. And it is my goal to die empty. And part of that process, I believe, passionately believe, is to draw as many children to their fathers and fathers to their children. I am my father's daughter. And that was in me to go after the relationship that I did not have growing up. And there is two sides to every story. And I heard three stories after the release of I Am My Father's Daughter, the first one. And there are three fathers. And I know there is a whole lot more, maybe 300,000 fathers who are not in their children's lives but has a desire to be. But because of the system and the mother or the caregiver, whatever their circumstances is, it is and has prevented that relationship. Dads, don't give up. That's my message today. Don't give up on seeking and desiring a relationship, communion, engagement with your children, whatever you gotta do. If that requires humbling yourself, whatever it means, especially you dads that's paying child support, come on, that's not enough. Our children need engagement. They need your participation in their lives. I know I am my father's daughter. Not only my father but also my mother. What I did in the beginning was more out of duty. And I allowed the Lord, the great I Am, my Heavenly Father to work on my heart. And I opened up and it went from my head, from my head out of duty down to my heart out of honor. And so now I'm honoring my mother who just turned 85 years old. And I was there for my dad in his latter years. I am my father's daughter. Don't give up on seeking and praying and desiring a relationship to the children that you was a part of bringing into this world. I am my father's daughter. Until next time, you know what I'm gonna say. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it. Peace.
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