Grief often begins with a sense of shock and reduced communication. Over time, you'll gradually express yourself and embrace your own healing process.
Hi everyone, I'm back. My name is Tonya Lee Carey with Faith Base and today is a continuation being healed and being restored through the process of grief. As I've shared before I lost my son in April 2022 so it's still fairly fresh to me. But I have three areas for you to recognize if this is new for you to help you to recognize you have a loss. You lost a child or you lost someone but specifically someone you didn't gave birth to or you the mother or the father it's shock. So that's number one is shock. I'm not even sure how I was able to do the eulogy and the process of my son body right there on the side of me which I already know that the young man that I the baby that I gave birth to was not in that body. Oh no no no he's in a better place and I will see him again but not real soon. But I already knew that but still had to go through the process of because I'm flesh and blood that of grieving. And I had I sung a song acapella and I didn't even know I could sing like that this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine oh and I didn't sound like that it was so good the organist got up and start playing while I was singing but that was the strength and power of God working through me. So number two you're not gonna want to talk a whole lot you just you just not going you need to know what is going on you're just not up to listening nor talking with anyone but really listening to what God is saying and being able to people that talk with you was very tender and empathetic and if they never lost a child before we just have to give grace to those who don't really know what to say to us and we have to guard our heart because we're really it's like a wound you know anything that's touched in that area especially in defense of our loved one we don't take it very well I didn't take it very well not that I went into confrontation mode I just got quiet and I stepped away from people to hear what God was saying to me so you're normal if you're going through any of those processes and then I wasn't able to watch news at all nothing for three months I love Steve Harvey I tried to listen but even they was laughing too loud it was just my heart going through and groaning and all that but the day you become stronger and you know you stronger not like this but from the inside out is that number one you start communicating a little bit more you could talk to loved ones a little bit more it's still a process you start loving yourself learning to love yourself a little bit more in regards to you love colors wear your colors hey they put on put tell people to put on their sunglasses I love my colors you start becoming more you why you why are you here be more you and I'll share about that another segment and then you laugh more I love to laugh I love to make people laugh you've heard miss sugar she's a hoot that's me that's the part of me so you'll learn how to be more you cuz life is here today gone tomorrow and not to be taken for granted so we just take one day at a time know that you are loved and nobody can love you like Jesus I already know it there's no competition so until next time I love you and there's nothing you can do about it you don't want anything to be done about it you want to be loved we all need it desperately until next time peace
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