Comedic character Miss SuGah reminding you to say, "Thank you Jesus!" every morning when you wake up.
Well how everybody doing? My name is Miss Sugar and I have a little short little word to talk with everyone about him. We're gonna keep it simple, K-I-S-S, and that is are you saying thank you Jesus when you wake up? Are you thanking anybody for opening up your eyes in the morning whatever time it is? Well we need to start that little habit, what we do daily determines who we become in our future. Eventually, so we're gonna start with little simple habits of saying when you open up your eyes say good morning Lord, thank you Jesus because you didn't have to open up your eyes, you didn't have to wake up. If you woke up, not on earth, you woke up someplace else and maybe I'll see you there, but one place I don't expect to see you there because I ain't going there because I'm working towards doing as much good and right as perfect. Not perfect, nobody's perfect. We all are sinners saved by grace, but in the morning whatever time you wake up, say thank you Jesus, good morning Lord. He didn't have to wake it up and he we can hear and we can't hear we can see and if we can't see we can feel and we can't feel maybe we're just numb, but if you feel even the numbness say good morning, thank you Lord, thank you for the hands, thank you for the eyes, thank you for just waking me up, thank you for the new mercy, none of us deserve it. If we got what we really deserve we wouldn't wake up in the morning, so just say thank you Lord, thank you for waking me up, thank you I can stand up, thank you I can feel something, thank you I can see even if it's just a little bit I can see something and if I can't see with my eyes I sense something is around me, thank you. Until next time, I'll see ya. Wouldn't want to be ya. I prefer being who I am and they call me Miss Sugar. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh one more last thing when I say good morning, thank you Jesus, I say let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Oh Lord, my strength, my redeemer. Until next time, I love you and there's nothing you can do about it. Peace.
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