Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your path straight. Trust Him wholeheartedly, 24/7. Peace and blessings to you all
Welcome back everyone. My name is Tonya Lee Carey with Faith Base and I have a short word for you and for myself. One many of us we are familiar with, but we can know a word, we can quote a word, but are we truly living that word? It's taken out of Proverbs 3, 5, and 6. Trust in the Lord with a whole heart and lean not to our own understanding. In all our ways, in all of our ways, acknowledge Him knowing He shall make our path straight. Father thank you for this word. We need a reminder every single day that we can trust you with our whole heart. You don't disappoint. You don't lie. When you make a promise you keep it to the very end Father God, and we thank you. We thank you that in all our ways acknowledge you counting on you to make our path straight Father God. So we surrender this word to you. We surrender our lives to you. We surrender to the great I am Emmanuel that you don't disappoint nor do you lie. We give you all the praise honor and glory. Cover this prayer with your blood Jesus Christ the God of love and forgiveness. Amen, amen. Until next time everyone I love you and you know what's next and there's nothing you can do about it. Peace. Trust Him now with your whole heart 24-7. Thank you Lord.
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