A dream of encountering Mr. Death and facing eternal damnation led to a profound awakening and a sense of impending doom, causing the dreamer to cry out for divine intervention.
I was living in sin, deliberately living in sin, and finally, one night, I dreamt Mr. Death coming out of the bathtub while I was brushing my teeth, pleasant man, blonde blue eyes, and he said, Pepo, your time is up, and you're coming with me to hell for eternity. And it just freaked me out. I remember just yelling in the dream, and I woke up yelling, Lord, because I thought in the dream that that was it. Time was over. I couldn't plead for any more time for repentance, for anything else. It was over, and the sentence was already deliberated. I was stuck for eternity. There was nothing I could have done to change it, and truly created such an anxiety on me that, as I said, I woke up yelling, yelling the Lord's name.
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