The Enigma of the Shroud of Turin: Unveiling the Profound Sacrifice and Mysterious Image
Exploring the profound cost of redemption and the mysterious phenomenon of the shroud of turin.
Christian Living
We need to understand how much really it cost our Savior to get rid of our sins, of our iniquities. And I was doing some research on the Shroud of Turin. For those of you who do not know what that is, it's basically a sheet that wrapped a body, a body, supposedly the body of Christ. And there are a lot of strange things about the shrouds that are inexplicable. A lot of people are doing a lot of studies right now because it truly is a big enigma. One thing that is common that they discovered a long time ago is that if you're looking at the image, if you go and visit, you're looking at the image, you're almost looking at a negative. If you take a picture and you develop that negative, as you're looking at the negative of the picture, it becomes a positive. So that in itself is kind of enigmatic. You know, how can that be?
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