Seeking Righteousness: A Path to Inner Fulfillment
In a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, there is a timeless and invaluable pursuit that can bring solace, purpose, and inner fulfillment—seeking righteousness.
Christian Living
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these other things will be added to you. Someone shout seek first righteousness. That's what he says. Our life, my life should be based upon seeking first. To seek means to strive for, to search out, to pursue, to go after, to aim at. First means to prioritize, to make the most importance, to place ahead of others, to make value. There are special places and rewards for those that come in first. The Bible talks about firstfruits and the firstborn and Jesus is the first begotten of the Father. So first is a wonderful thing. I mean to be honest with you, who wants to end up last? Y'all ready? Who wants to end up last? But in the kingdom, the Bible says the last shall be first and the first shall be last. So we got to flip the script and when we come to the kingdom, think about it. See, our natural mindset is for people to wait on us, but the kingdom mindset, Jesus said, I came not to be served, but to serve others. And if you get a servant, y'all ready for this? God said, listen, if you will start getting the heart of a slave, I'll make you a master. But if you, y'all didn't catch that. If you get the heart of a servant that's humbling you, I will exalt you to heaven.
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