Today I share a short word on the story of Zacchaeus. In this story Jesus doesn't perform any miracles but rather offers the gift of friendship since Christ joins him for dinner.
Hey faith-based family blessings to you today. Just wanted to share a short word about the story of Zacchaeus Maybe you're familiar with the story Zacchaeus was a little man. He climbs a tree and Luke 19 and In the story, he wants to catch a glimpse of Jesus Now you might remember the story of what happened Jesus comes to the tree and Jesus says today I'm going to your house come down from the tree right now What I want to point out is is what did Jesus not do in this story Jesus didn't heal He didn't cast out a demon. He didn't multiply food. He didn't walk on water. He didn't give a prophetic word What did he do? He said hey today, I'm gonna eat at your house I'm gonna be at your house with you. And so what he really did was he offered the gift of friendship So when Jesus ate with Zacchaeus when he associated with Zacchaeus, he was saying hey, he's one of my people He was saying I'll be identified with him first century meditator and cold Mediterranean culture Eating with someone was like a sign of having community with them being identified with them so basically Jesus just offered Zacchaeus friendship and what happened was that he has came down from the tree and Everything changed about his life He paid back what he owed and extra and I say that as an encouragement as a challenge to us not to underestimate The power of friendship the Lord has given you a sphere of influence and I encourage you just as a as a Jesus follower Use your friendships to love people well to speak encouragement to speak hope to point people to the Lord and don't underestimate the power of Friendship the Lord can do a lot with a little bit with a little leaven with a little yeast So I bless you in the name of Jesus when Lord encourage you When he surprised you with what he's able to do as you offer friendship today. Have a great day
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