This whole series has been challenging for me because loving well is difficult. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Christian Living
Hey everyone, I think, and I mentioned this in the last series that every person, every pastor needs to lead from their weakness. And so I just want to take a minute to share my own struggles with what it means to love and how to do that. Well, I, I've, this has been challenging for me this whole series because, um, because love is difficult. Loving well is not, does not come naturally to us because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That's in Romans and Lord knows I have, especially, you know, when we start talking about things that are as internal and direct as envy and boasting and pride and as they lead way to things like rudeness, irritability and self-seeking man, this gets tough. Irritability is a big one for me. Easy to anger, especially with my kids, man. I love my kids and they know that I love them, but there are times where they just drive me crazy and they don't do what I say and they're not listening. Well, and they're, you know, they get all wound up and I'm now I'm yelling at my kids and that's, I, I hate that I do that. Easy to anger, but this is a place where Jesus wants to meet me. He doesn't want, well, he wants to meet me in all every area of my life, but not just in the good places. He wants to meet me in the places that I am really a terrible person or that I just, I need his transformation. It's my wife. I'm sometimes I'm just so self-seeking. I can be defensive and it's kind of looking out for number one and I hate that I do that. And you know, we have the conversations and talk through it and man, all of a sudden it's like, man, I am a, I'm a real jerk. Sometimes Jesus wants to meet me in that place. And if I refuse to look at that and if I refuse to acknowledge it, it just stays there and it gets worse. These are indicators. Remember little wisps of volcanic activity underneath the surface. It's not good. We've got to be able to acknowledge them and bring them to Christ because that's where he wants to meet us where he wants to meet you and where he wants to meet me. We're all a work in progress. The Lord knows that the Lord knows that you and I, our works and progress and we are not ever arriving at 100% perfection. I don't think the Lord expects that. He does expect progress, but not perfection. I'm grateful, grateful that I can always run back to the cross and find grace and forgiveness forgiveness and new life. New life is possible. Change is possible. You can change and so can I. Praise God. Have a good one people.
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