Advance the Gospel by sharing your spiritual victories to inspire others to know Jesus.
He talks about how his sufferings, him writing from prison, how that's actually working to advance the gospel. Because here's what happens. When other believers see us as believers continuing to push through and endure and strengthen our way and utilize God and focus on God to get us through our struggles, not just sit back and throw a pity party and woe is me, but actually take that spirit of victory and triumph over the pain because we are faithful and trust God to get us through that. When they see that, they're inspired to do the same. At the same time, when non-believers see that, they look at us like, what do they have that I don't? How are they able to push themselves through these intense struggles and tribulations? How are they able to do that? And then they ask and we get to tell them, let me tell you about a man named Jesus.
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