Why does darkness exist? Why does evil exist? We discuss the reason for suffering in a formerly perfect world.
The question is, how can I believe in a God that allows suffering like murder, natural disasters and disease to exist? Why? If he is all knowing, all loving, all powerful, then why doesn't he create a world that lacks suffering? And my answer to that question is he already did. If you look at the book of Genesis, right? God created the heavens and the earth and it goes to the whole list of what he created. But then what does it say afterwards? And he looked at it and everything was good. But then what happened? Well, Adam and Eve decided that sin Adam and Eve decided to eat from the, from the tree of life, which ushered sin into the world, right? They rebelled, which brought sin into the world, not just with people, but into the world. When you look at Romans 5, 12 and Paul's talking, he says, therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin. And in this way, death came to all people because all sin. What he's saying is sin came into the world, not just people. The perfect world that God created was corrupted when Adam and Eve chose to rebel. That's why we have natural disasters while we have disease and murder. And when you look at that too, this is, this is a different discussion for a different day, right? But when it comes to why evil exists, right? Look at people. Why does evil exist? Why does light exist? Light darkness doesn't exist. It's the absence of light. Why does dark or cold exist? Scientifically cold doesn't exist. It's just the absence of heat. Evil is the absence of God. And God also ushers us into a world where we have the right to choose. We have free will. God does not want to force us to have a relationship with him. He doesn't want to force us into having him in our hearts. That's why it's called surrender. When we surrender our life to Christ, we are making the conscious decision to invite him into our heart, invite him into our spirit, invite the Holy spirit to live within to live within us, to help us through our lives, to live a Christ centered world. It's not that God didn't create a world free of suffering. He did. And we as human beings messed it up. That's why Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for our sins. Because when death was ushered into the world through sin, Christ's suffering, Christ's sacrifice paid the price for that. That's why we believe in Jesus Christ because he's the only one when all.
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