Embracing His Peace, Day 4, The Beans, or the Background. James shares some interesting advice on two kinds of wisdom, which today's verse is actually taken from. The verse, James Chapter 3, Verses 17 through 18. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. Esteem. What does this mean to me and how can I apply it to my life today? Your life really is what you make it. If you want a life of peace and joy, you have to create that peace and joy. When we consume ourselves with negativity all day long, how do we expect to reap anything but that? We have to actively fill our lives with things that are good, pure, and lovely if we are to live in the peace we desire. What seeds are you sowing right now? Would people consider you a positive person, someone who lifts them up? Would people say that you make them feel better about themselves when they're around you? Be the kind of friend that sows peace and righteousness into the hearts of others this week. Then watch. Peace and righteousness will flood your own life as you do.
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