Peter addresses believers to turn from evil and pursue good.
Christian Living
Embracing his peace, day three, the beans or the background. Peter addresses believers who would like to love life and see long days with today's verse. The verse, first Peter chapter three, verse 11. They must turn from evil and do good. They must seek peace and pursue it. This theme, what does this mean to me and how can I apply it to my life today? None of us are naive to the fact that life is gonna happen. Accidents will occur, frustrations will get the better of us, children will not always behave, work and chores must get done, yet we desire peace. Just like the laundry isn't going to fold itself, feeling peace in our hearts, minds and lives, it doesn't just happen. We have to actively seek peace, do our part to ensure that we get the peace we crave. So how do you pursue peace daily? Should you add something to your day, like a quiet time with God, more intentional prayer or reading the Bible? Should you eliminate something from your day? Wasted time on social media or say thank you but no, removing some commitments from your plate. Discover just one way that you will actively pursue peace this week.
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